diumenge, 4 de juliol del 2010



Using games in the classroom is a way of introducing variety and fun as well as a way of reinforcing motivation. Therefore games, an especially games online, offer a great opportunity to practice English.

  • Click on instructions. It is important to read the instructions carefully. They tell you how to move through the screens and what is the purpose of the game.
  • Then, enter play game. In the first screen you have to choose your player. The second one tells you the mission and leads you to the game.
  • To play the game you have to pass different screens. The purpose of the game is to catch five probes, one by one, to achieve the mission.
  • Click on launch, the screen will select a planet and will show you
  • Then, you have to overcome the obstacles with your spaceship, reach the planet and land on its surface. You have to catch the probe and aswer a quizz related to the planet.
  • If your answer is not correct, you only have another try. If you are still wrong, you go back to the beginning.
  • If your answer is correct, you can take the probe and start another mission.
  • When you get the five probes, you win the game.
This game is very useful to learn about the planets in the Solar System. The students are given some basic information about them and they have to remember it to achieve the mission.

This activity is adressed to students of cicle superior. They can work in pairs or threes. Before doing the game, it is advisable that you give them a worksheet with some information about the planets. They will need to know it to go through the game.

Basic Competences we work with this activity are: Linguistic and audiovisual, Information and digital comptence, Autonomy and personal initiative, Knowledge and interaction with the world, Learning to learn and Social and civic competence.


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