This blog has been created during the course "Recursos TICC per a les classes de llengües estrangeres".
dijous, 26 d’agost del 2010
dijous, 5 d’agost del 2010
divendres, 23 de juliol del 2010
dijous, 22 de juliol del 2010
Maths exercices
Funny activities to do this summer to revise what you have been doing during the school year.
divendres, 16 de juliol del 2010
dijous, 8 de juliol del 2010
LEVEL: Primary school, third term, year 6
SESSIONS: 1 lesson (60 minutes)
-To introduce and learn about the Beatles.
-To listen to a song and learn it.
-To answer questions about the Beatles.
-Revision of the Past Simple (regular and irregular verbs).
-Describing people
-Sing the song "Yellow submarine"
-Linguistic and audiovisual
-Artistic and cultural
-Learning to learn
-Knowledge and interaction with the world
I start the lesson showing photographs from The Beatles (available on Google images).
I ask questions about them. How many people can you see? Who are they? Where are they from? What's their job? What do they look like? Do you know any songs from the group?
Then we present the song "Yellow submarine"
After listening I give them a "fill in the gaps" worksheet. They listen to the song again, fill in the gaps, but now we use this other video.
Then we try to solve doubts and the general meaning of the song and translate difficult words.And finally we sing it again using the karaoke version.
At the end of the session we play a game in groups of four related to the Beatles and the song we sang. It's a trivial game asking them questions like: "What colours appear in the song?" or "Can you name three means of transport? For example: A submarine." "Can you find two verbs in Past Simple tense?"
dimarts, 6 de juliol del 2010
The water cycle song
Sing the song and learn about the water cycle.
dilluns, 5 de juliol del 2010
Where do these animals live?
Switch zoo is a virtual zoo where children can learn about animals, create imaginary animals of their own and do lots of activities related to animals and their habitats.
The objective of the game is to rescue animals by identifying their habitat. “You are the Animal Relocation Officer in charge of a major rescue operation. You have to return the lost animals to their home continent or ocean. How well can you identify each animal's home? ”.This is your mission.
Basic competences: Linguistic and audiovisual, Information and digital comptence, Knowledge and interaction with the worldd, Social and civic comptence.
diumenge, 4 de juliol del 2010
Using games in the classroom is a way of introducing variety and fun as well as a way of reinforcing motivation. Therefore games, an especially games online, offer a great opportunity to practice English.
This activity is adressed to students of cicle superior. They can work in pairs or threes. Before doing the game, it is advisable that you give them a worksheet with some information about the planets. They will need to know it to go through the game.
Basic Competences we work with this activity are: Linguistic and audiovisual, Information and digital comptence, Autonomy and personal initiative, Knowledge and interaction with the world, Learning to learn and Social and civic competence.
Using games in the classroom is a way of introducing variety and fun as well as a way of reinforcing motivation. Therefore games, an especially games online, offer a great opportunity to practice English.
- Click on instructions. It is important to read the instructions carefully. They tell you how to move through the screens and what is the purpose of the game.
- Then, enter play game. In the first screen you have to choose your player. The second one tells you the mission and leads you to the game.
- To play the game you have to pass different screens. The purpose of the game is to catch five probes, one by one, to achieve the mission.
- Click on launch, the screen will select a planet and will show you
- Then, you have to overcome the obstacles with your spaceship, reach the planet and land on its surface. You have to catch the probe and aswer a quizz related to the planet.
- If your answer is not correct, you only have another try. If you are still wrong, you go back to the beginning.
- If your answer is correct, you can take the probe and start another mission.
- When you get the five probes, you win the game.
Basic Competences we work with this activity are: Linguistic and audiovisual, Information and digital comptence, Autonomy and personal initiative, Knowledge and interaction with the world, Learning to learn and Social and civic competence.
dimecres, 30 de juny del 2010
What are these nice pictures and descriptions?

Every year the children of year 6 of my school participate in the English Day. During the school year they do different activities:
*Draw and describe a mascot.
*Participate in on-line activities.
*Act in a play.
*Sing karaoke songs.
These three mascots are the winners. Congratulations!!!

Every year the children of year 6 of my school participate in the English Day. During the school year they do different activities:
*Draw and describe a mascot.
*Participate in on-line activities.
*Act in a play.
*Sing karaoke songs.
These three mascots are the winners. Congratulations!!!
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